Modified Benson Gyrocopter For Sale
*** Now Being Auctioned On EBay! ***

Click HERE to go straight to the auction! Ends Nov-06-05 18:18:29 PST.

  • Modified for center line thurst
  • Rotor Flight Dynamics (Earnie) Tall Tail
  • Continental A65 engine modified to A75
  • 25 foot Dragon Wings rotor blades
  • New Prince P-Tip prop
  • Registered experimental, annual expired 11/04

This is a great flying gyrocopter that combines the safety of centerline thrust and a horizontal stabilizer with the efficiency and sporty qualities of Dragon Wings and the dependability of a production aircraft engine. The Prince P-Tip propeller extracts every ounce of thrust in the engine and has much greater efficiency than the more common wooded props.

Currently located at Anson County Airport (AFP) in Wadesboro, North Carolina.

Contact info:

  • Chuck Bevitt
  • (540) 921-4051 home
  • (540) 599-1553 cell and voice mail

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Note: top pictures show the earlier prop

Here's the new Prince P-Tip

Updated 10/27/2005